Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 4 assignment

Well..... I think I have finally gotten the hang of all this internet stuff. I managed to get a photo on my blog, learned what a mashup and image genreator is, signed up on bloglines, added a news feed and a libray blog and then added some followers including my brother in law who is a very talented artist and animator.

Unfortuately all this learning took be about 4 days. I hope my speed will increase with practice.

I do beleive I am ready for the next lesson in Week 5.


Anonymous said...

You certainly have accomplished a lot! I know some of these tools take some time to get a hang of, but I'm glad to see that you still have a positive outlook. I think you'll enjoy week 5's assignment, it's a little less intensive.


Chubby Mom said...

Hey Sandy,

Welcome to the blogosphere!

Lots o' luck!

And hope you get lots of comments!


Chubby Mom said...

Wait a minit,

how's come i seem to be posting a comment with out my own ID...oh,well, let me know if you get this...
