Monday, October 27, 2008

Week 5 Assignment - Facebook and Librarything

I've been unable to get to my assignments for a couple of weeks due to personal reasons. I will endeavour to catch up, with the help of catch up week and in the week(s) to follow (no down time for me!).

Facebook...the infamous, or rather famous, facebook! I already have an account there. However, I'm definitely no power user, not being of the under-20 crowd, not that that is a pre-requisite. I'll check into it occasionally, maybe a few times a month. I checked the Green:because you can page. I really didn't get it. There are some discussion boards, photos, wall posts. Most of what I read was a complete waste of my time. Alot of people spouting off at each other, with lots of expletives in their text.

As for organizations using facebook, I have my doubts. You hear good things and bad things about it. I doubt most organizations would take facebook seriously as a means for people to communicate with each other or the organization. I would probably set up a discussion forum on some other forum hosting site, long before doing it on facebook. I see facebook as more of a social site, rather than business or professional. Benefits include ease of use, familiarity, robustness of the site (i.e. little downtime, I'm guessing). Concerns may include not being seen as a professional web destination for carrying out business, privacy issues, and filtering out all the chit chat.

Now onto Librarything. No offense people, but why? More of the same, it seems, giving you quick links to others who have common reading interests. I can do that on this blog if I want through links in the profiles. Ok, yes, Librarything specializes in cataloguing and makes it easy, and I'm sure it does a lot more. I guess it's just not my thing. Mind you, it was pretty cool entering the ISBN number for an old paperback copy of Lord of the Rings that I have (approx 1975 printing) and seeing the actual cover design of my old version pop up within seconds. Anyway, I doubt I'll use this one ever again. I noticed the line at the end of the homepage that reads: "If the buzz page doesn't convince you, you cannot be convinced. Go away."... OK then.

Now, onto Week 6!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 4 assignment

Well..... I think I have finally gotten the hang of all this internet stuff. I managed to get a photo on my blog, learned what a mashup and image genreator is, signed up on bloglines, added a news feed and a libray blog and then added some followers including my brother in law who is a very talented artist and animator.

Unfortuately all this learning took be about 4 days. I hope my speed will increase with practice.

I do beleive I am ready for the next lesson in Week 5.